Tag Archives: Kelli.Christian Perkins

Science Fiction Evening of Wonders 2/17/2012

Outside of family get-togethers I don’t shoot much color these days, but some events just scream out for it. This was one of them.

Our plan was to see Kelli’s former work colleague Jeremy perform his chiptune set as Receptors/8-Bit Operators but I also figured there’d be some Star Wars cosplay going on which should offer a few photo opportunities, so brought the F-1 and some ISO 400 color negative film along. Sadly, we arrived too late to catch Jeremy performing (though we did spend a while chatting with him later).

I also got to play with long-ish exposures (around 1/4 second) and light trails thanks to Christian Perkins. Given the opportunity to try something like that again I’d want to throw in some second curtain flash, but the F-1 pre-dates that particular innovation by a few years.

Darth Vader ponders whether to pose or slice my shutter finger off with a light saber.

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