Mobile Readiness

We finally moved into the 21st century a few days ago with a matching pair of Androids. We’d been considering it for a while but when Kelli’s old phone decided it wasn’t going to start up any more, our hand was forced.

This got me to thinking about how many people have smartphones these days and how not all of them are ideally suited to browsing full-sized websites. Those sites I’ve encountered which have mobile-specific feeds are much more enjoyable when browsing on a phone! Luckily there are ways to make WordPress sites mobile-ready without requiring heavy coding. We’re talking plug-ins here.

So this site is now mobile friendly. For the large photo posts, the photo will display only if you go to the actual post. From there tapping on the photo will take you to a full-size (1024 pixel) version which should display nicely scaled to your device and whatever way you have it oriented.

People using desktops, laptops and tablet devices should get the full website as before. I don’t own any tablet devices but will be trying to get a couple of minutes of “fondleslab” time to make sure it’s all OK.

Do let me know if anything is amiss and I’ll see what can be done to fix it.